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Gillian McMichael
one life retreat, mental wellness retreat, transformational wellness, mental health wellness retreat uk

Life Coaching Weekend Retreats UK: Hear From Our Attendees

24 Apr 2024

“Your vision will become clear only when you look into your heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.” - Carl Jung

Have you been running on empty, feeling drained and stuck in repetitive cycles of going nowhere? Have you been looking for an escape, but these things follow you wherever you go? At my life coaching weekend retreats in the UK, I guide you as you reconnect with your inner self, gain clarity and embrace your full potential. I am a transformational wellness coach dedicated to changing people’s lives. If you’re looking for a sign to connect and unearth your true selves, find out more about my life coaching retreats and let the extraordinary experiences of Jemma, Ashley, Verena, Rachel and Sam inspire you to take a life-changing step forward.

Jemma’s Emotional Breakthrough

“Being coached by Gillian was nothing short of magical. Her ability to draw out deeply held beliefs, thoughts and desires, and simultaneously support me to build future plans was astounding. The depth of conversation and challenge was above and beyond my expectations, equipping me to make significant positive life changes. Gillian held space, but also kept the sessions pacy to ensure I was on track and making the progress I desired.”  With 1-on-1 support, I help my clients let go of deep-seated unconscious patterns and beliefs and empower them with the tools to sustain the healing and awareness in their daily lives.

The Art of Inner Peace with Ashleigh

“What an experience, I feel humbled, excited and extremely grateful for what I have gained this week. The connection, the energy and most of all finding inner peace. The inner work continues but I have the tools to successfully grow and become best friends with myself.” Ashleigh was able to tap into her inner strength and courageously self-reflect and communicate with her core self to change her life for the better. My life coaching retreats are about empowering yourself and discovering the parts of you that are lost or hidden deep inside.

Verena’s Creative Breakthrough

“Thank you, Gillian, for creating such a safe haven that not only provided me with trust but also the ability to tune in, be creative in my thinking, and apply simple concepts to my life,” shares Verena. We pride ourselves on creating empowering environments with safe and supportive spaces where our participants can be vulnerable with their true self; nurture their soul and dissolve limiting paradigms that are holding them back.

It’s All About Relaxation, Mindfulness and Learning for Rachel

Rachel describes her transformative experience at my life coaching weekend retreat in the UK as the best decision she ever made. “The whole experience was amazing from the moment I arrived at the villa until the final evening. It was powerful, informative and great fun. I met a wonderful group of people who shared the same challenges and experiences as I. Each day I would join the meditation sessions followed by gentle yoga and this set me up for the day. The week was split between learning, pure relaxation and mindful movement.” We curate our retreat experiences to what our participants need to rest, unwind, reflect and heal. We support and guide a community of like-minded people who are embracing each other and their innermost selves.

Sam’s Whole New Self

“Gillian promised by the end of the retreat I would feel amazing and I do. I would highly recommend the retreats as a way to top up your tank, help you discover more about yourself and give you the space so you can truly make time for you - I am looking forward to sustaining my wellness. I feel like a different person.” Wellness coaching retreats can help you uncover parts of you that you didn’t even know existed allowing you to embrace new ideas, talents and life paths.

Take the First Step to the New You

Are you ready to embark on a life changing experience and empower your core selves through self-discovery? Join me at my transformational weekend retreat at Tofte Manor, UK in November 2024. Click here to book your spot for the retreat. You can also click here to hop on a free 1-on-1 call with me so that I can guide you to the retreat that’s right for you based on your wellness objectives.